Thursday, May 28, 2009

Diversity Job Fair Combats Minority Unemployment

"You need to inform as many people as you can, try to talk to family members, friends, ex co-workers, ex bosses, try to place yourself out there. You need to join networking groups, local associations. You need to try to update your resume and come prepared for an interview. You need to do research on companies, and, most importantly, you need to make a very good first impression." -- Ricardo Villalba, Job Fair Organizer.

The latest U.S. unemployment figures show that 8.9 percent of the American workforce is out of a job.

The American economy has shed nearly six million jobs since January 2008. That’s the biggest employment loss of any U.S. economic slump since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Minorities have been hardest hit. The latest figures show unemployment among African-Americans at 15 percent, and Hispanic unemployment at 11.3 percent.

This vlog is about a diversity job fair aimed at combating these trends. The information booths run by U.S. government employers, in particular the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the State Department, attracted large crowds.

This television report by Mil Arcega shows how recently laid-off workers are also turning their attention to “green” jobs.